Global Trade Chamber

Certificates of Origin

Create, submit, and print electronically certified documents right at your own desk.
Electronic Certificates of Origin provide easier and faster Customs clearance and productivity gains for companies.
The Global Trade Chamber of Commerce, through a partnership with the American World Trade Chamber of Commerce, offers electronically chamber stamped Certificate of Origin and export related documents.

Ensure your process is compliant and future proof by enabling document verification. The authenticity of each
document can be verified by customs worldwide through the International Chamber of Commerce Accreditation Chain at For full document verification visit

What is a Certificate of Origin?

A Certificate of Origin (CO) is a vital international trade document that certifies the origin of exported goods. This document verifies that the products in a shipment are wholly obtained, produced, manufactured, or processed in a specific country. It is crucial for customs clearance and determines the tariffs and taxes applicable to the shipment. Certificate of Origins also constitute a declaration by the exporter. Millions of Certificates of Origin are issued, enhancing global trade efficiency.

  Certificates of Origin have been a staple in trade since as early as 1898, when chambers of commerce began issuing these essential documents. By the 1923 Geneva Convention, followed by the Kyoto Convention, governments recognized the pivotal role of chambers as competent authorities in the issuance of Certificates of Origin, establishing them as credible and trusted third parties.

  Globally, countries assess the Certificate of Origin to determine duties on imported goods or to decide on the legality of imports. Moreover, a Certificate of Origin is often required to meet letters of credit, comply with foreign customs, or fulfill a buyer’s specific demands.

 It’s important to note that certain countries, especially those not party to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, necessitate the legalization of commercial documents like Certificates of Origin at a country’s US Embassy or Consulate. This can involve significant fees, and exporters should be cognizant of these potential costs.

Countries typically requiring embassy or consulate legalization of Certificates of Origin include Algeria, Argentina, Bahrain, Bolivia, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Paraguay, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Qatar, Tunisia, UAE, and Yemen, among others.


Why is a Certificate of Origin Important?

The Certificate of Origin is important for several reasons:

  • Customs Clearance: It ensures smooth clearance of goods at customs, avoiding delays and extra costs.
  • Tariff Benefits: It can provide tariff benefits under various trade agreements.
  • Proof of Origin: It serves as legal proof of the origin of goods, which may be required for trade statistics and compliance with import regulations.

How to Obtain a Certificate of Origin.
Obtaining a Certificate involves several steps:

  1. Determine the Need: Check if your destination country requires a Certificate for your goods.
  2. Prepare Necessary Documents: Gather all required documents, such as the commercial invoice and packing list.
  3. Fill Out the Application Form: Complete the application form accurately.
  4. Submit to the Global Trade Chamber: Submit the form and supporting documents
  5. Certification and Payment: Pay any applicable fees, and the Global Trade Chamber will certify your document.

Step-by-Step Guide to filling out a Certificate of Origin.

  • Gather Necessary Information:
    • Exporter’s details
    • Consignee’s details
    • Description of goods
    • Country of origin
    • Invoice number and date
  • Complete the Application Form:
    • Ensure all fields are accurately filled.
    • Double-check for any errors or omissions.
  • Submit the Application:
    • Submit the form to the Global Trade Chamber along with any required documents.
    • Pay the certification fee, if applicable.
  • Receive the Certified Certificate:
    • Once approved, you will be provided with the certified certificate.

Common Challenges and Solutions.

  • Incorrect Information: Ensure all details are correct and match other shipping documents.
  • Delays in Certification: Submit your application well in advance to avoid delays.
  • Understanding Requirements: Each country may have different requirements. Check the specific needs for your destination country

Frequently Asked Questions.

What documents are needed?

  • Typically, a commercial invoice, packing list, and the completed Certificate of Origin form are required.

How long does it take?

  • The processing time can vary, but it usually takes a few days if all documents are in order.

Can I apply for a Certificate of Origin online?

  • Yes, The Global Trade Chamber offers an exclusive online application.

Certificate of Origin Requirements for Export
 To ensure compliance with international trade regulations, exporters must understand and fulfill the Certificate requirements for their goods. These requirements include but are not limited to:
Accurate Product Description: Provide a clear and precise description of the goods.
Correct Country of Origin: Ensure the country of origin is correctly identified.
Supporting Documents: Submit all necessary supporting documents such as invoices and packing lists.

What documents are needed?

  • Typically, a commercial invoice, packing list, and the completed Certificate of Origin form are required.

How long does it take?

  • The processing time can vary, but it usually takes a few days if all documents are in order.

Can I apply for a Certificate of Origin online?

  • Yes, The Global Trade Chamber offers an exclusive online application.

Certificate of Origin Requirements for Export
 To ensure compliance with international trade regulations, exporters must understand and fulfill the Certificate requirements for their goods. These requirements include but are not limited to:
Accurate Product Description: Provide a clear and precise description of the goods.
Correct Country of Origin: Ensure the country of origin is correctly identified.
Supporting Documents: Submit all necessary supporting documents such as invoices and packing lists.


A Certificate of Origin is a vital document for international trade, ensuring that your goods are recognized for their country of origin and eligible for any applicable trade benefits. Exporters must ensure that their Certificate of Origins are accurate and follow the relevant international rules and guidelines. Failing to do so can lead to delays in shipping, additional fees, or the goods being turned away altogether. By understanding the importance of this document and following the proper steps to obtain it, exporters can facilitate smoother customs clearance and avoid potential trade disputes and costly delays.

For more information on how to apply for a Certificate of Origin feel free to contact us at any time

Online Document Certification



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